Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bell's 1 Up On Me

If you wonder why I only show parts of Bella it's because she's gigantic and I don't quite know how to photograph her ~ much less find her good side...

I committed to NaBloPoMo (blogging every day during the month of November.) I thought this was as simple as blogging on MY BLOG every day...

No, no, couldn't be that easy... I actually have to write daily posts on the NaBloPoMo site. Argh. So, I'm already out of the running for most annoying blogger of the month award. And, I don't know what to do with the two kind women who joined my NaBloPoMo Horse Lovers group. This is such a tangled web...

Anyhoo! My 30-day blogging commitment was on the beautiful Bella and how she and I are going to become great friends. Hopefully soon.

I was all excited about our training session today. Right up until I got there and Janet turned the spotlight onto me. Me? What's this all about? She's the bad horse! I didn't kick anybody. Why, pray tell, are you picking on me?

It sort of went like this...
Now, Kate, in the horse/owner relationship who is in charge?
"Well she is naturally. She's a helluva lot bigger than I am."

No, Kate, you need to be in charge. You need to be firm. You need to manage her...

And, so it went. Enough already. Bell's had 4 lessons and she's got an A. I've had one lesson and I'm hovering at a D-.

I SWEAR I heard that horse chuckle as we were marching back to the barn...

* The horse lovers picture is a sign that hangs on our front door.

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