Monday, September 27, 2010

Mish Mash and the Mums

I'm on a mission to keep my new Hardy Mums alive. If you have any tips, I'm all ears.

I had to work all weekend. ALL weekend. As in 12 solid hours on Sunday but only half that on Saturday. Because Sandy suggested I knock off early to do wine and appetizers. (I'm only human.)

This is me working:

Well, actually this is me, behind the camera, killing time instead of working. But, yes! That's a real Sunflower.

Sometimes, when I receive a bouquet of flowers, I pull out the most favorite one and let it shine all by it's lonesome next to my computer.

That Sunflower replaced the previous Pom Pom Dahlia. Gone but not forgotten. An astonishingly perfect white Dahlia that kept getting more and more interesting as it slowly faded into oblivion.

Got the Dahlias for writing KC's press releases. (She grows them.) Got the Sunflowers for sending Jamie on my New Mexico horse ride 'cause I no longer wanted to go plus they wouldn't give me my money back.

Dearly Departed Dahlia

Got these gargantuan Mums for doing absolutely nothing. Seriously. I met up with Sandy for wine and appetizers, complimented her on the gorgeous Mums and she said, Here! Take them! (Don't ya just love how wine makes everyone all generous and stuff?)

Which makes me think I should be very forthcoming on flower compliments from here on out. You just never know when a gardener might be in the mood to gift you with something...

* After Googling Mums until my little fingers are all worn out, I'm beginning to wonder if the term 'Hardy Mum' is a conspiracy theory. Did you know Mums need to be planted in the Springtime in order to have half a chance at surviving the cold, cold winter? I didn't either.

** Mish Mash Monday is the brainchild of Monica, resident gardener to the fairies.

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