Thursday, June 17, 2010

Red Greens @ High Star Organic Farm

 Pea blossoms are edible ~ they're sweet and crunchy and taste just like the peas. Sweet Pea ornamental flowers are NOT edible. (TIP: Feed those to the dinner guests you don't particularly care for.)

This week's volunteer day at High Star Organic Farm involved a full day's interaction with the so-not-a-people-person supervisor who's tone of voice is enough to make me abandon my mild-mannered ways.

I was planning to crack him over the head with this 3-pound rogue turnip but then another volunteer walked into the greenhouse. Prompting me to postpone this root vegetable crime of passion until there are no witnesses.

It got me thinking about how it's all in the way we say things. If you graciously ask me to jump off a cliff ~ and, if you remember to say pretty please ~ I'd take that death-defying leap without giving it another thought.

If you throw a temper tantrum and say "I can't have you compacting the soil!" What's the first thing I'm gonna do? A fancy tap dance on your soil, of course.

Oh, I do love a good rant.

Okay! Back to the harvest... First thing on the agenda was 6 pounds of turnips. I don't know how to tell if a turnip is ready for harvest (and since I was mad at him, I wasn't about to ask.) If they're popping out of the ground, I'm guessing that's their way of saying 'eat me.' Would you agree?

Plus a whole bunch of red-green lettuce which makes for a pretty tasty summer salad:

Brown Butter Creamy Salad Dressing
  1. Melt 6 tablespoons butter and 2 chopped green onions in a saucepan.
  2. Stir like crazy as the butter foams and browns.
  3. Remove before the butter begins to burn. Cool a bit.
  4. Add 6 tablespoons lite sour cream and a drizzle of honey if you'd like it sweet.
* My salad consisted of greens, hard-boiled eggs and pea pods, garnished with pea blossoms but you can get all wild and crazy with these ingredients. Enjoy!


Every Wednesday, I volunteer at this very fun organic farm ~ located in Kamas, Utah. Locals can find their fabulous fresh produce at the Park City, UT Farmer's Market. Just tell 'em Kate sent you. I'm the gal that gives these goodies a bath!

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