Monday, May 17, 2010

The Mish Mashiest of Mondays

Yes, I know, I really should mow, but I can't kill these pretty wildflowers!

After a warm, leisurely day of doing battle with the Bermuda grass, I feel light-hearted, optimistic and oh, so smart! I gambled on Monday being gorgeous, taking this day off to tackle the gardens. Mother Nature did not disappoint.

The soil is warm to the touch. Garden beds alive with wiggly, squiggly worms. Flowering trees beginning to bloom. Perennials are plump and green from these plentiful rains.

Will I jinx this by saying so? I think our nasty weather might finally be done. After an early spring false alarm, followed by a second bout of winter, I am ever so ready for a few hot days in the gardens.

Are you a consistent planter of flower colors? Or, are you be swayed by the newest pretty thing? Seems every year I find another new 'favorite' color.

Two years ago it was red. Last year, orange. This year's Mother's Day gift is inspiring an entire summer of hot, hot pink.

Since I only buy perennials my passing fancy with colors comes back to haunt me every summer. It's becoming such a blinding mess you really need sunglasses for a garden tour.

In spite of the iffy weather, 'twas a particularly marvy weekend.

During the downpour I laid a new ceramic tile bathroom floor!

I thank Habitat for Humanity for these skills. After Hurricane Katrina, BK and I helped re-build homes on the Gulf Coast. We must have looked like we knew what we were doing because they put us in charge of ceramic tile. (Hot Tip: The grout neatly covers up all of my mistakes.)

Meg & Bella celebrate their freedom.

Once the weather cleared, I turned the horses loose to kick up their heels. I secretly love watching horses even more than I do riding them.

Oops. I did jinx things! Now it's raining again. But, that's okay. I have faith. And, besides, I've always wanted to live in Oregon.

The Garden Faerie created Mish Mash Mondays. Isn't she a smart cookie? :)

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