Monday, April 26, 2010

Shower and Flowers

Do you grow Primrose? Let me rephrase that. Do you kill Primrose? :) No need to confess to such crimes. I'm just hoping you have a sordid past like me, the notorious Primrose serial killer.

Unable to resist these cute potted plants, I'd bring them home and try to grow them in a hot, sunny window. Where they would quickly curl up and die.


It took me years to figure out that Primrose is not an annual. She's a zone 3 perennial who simply adores the cold, wet weather we've been having.

As do many of the other spring flowers who burst into bloom after our recent rains.


Meet the other 'serial killer.' (Like Mother, like kitty!) It's a wonder young Cat Mint ever makes it to maturity with Buddy prowling around...

Some Daffs weathered the winds better than others.

Every spring I'm again confounded... I know I planted them but I cannot remember who they are:

Such joy. Spring has officially arrived in my mountain gardens.

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