Monday, January 11, 2010

If I Plant It, Will They Stay Forever?

"Did you watch it? 
Wasn't it enchanting?"

That was the coffee shop chat, earlier this morning, as my Hummingbird loving friends talked over 'Magic in the Air' ~ the PBS Nature Series Sunday episode. If you missed it, I've got you covered. Ditch this blog, click this link and prepare to be dazzled! (But please leave a comment B4 you go because I get really insecure when nobody says hi.)

This episode was all about Hummingbirds... those itty bitty darlings of my Western garden, who come and go though I wish they'd stay just a wee bit longer.

Interesting that every one of my gardening buddies picked up on the same thing... That the Hummers have recently revised their migratory pattern, doing a fly-by to enjoy the native plants in Baton Rouge.
Which got us wondering if we could do the same thing here!

I imagine that entails upping the ante on native Western flowers. (The natives have lots more nectar but then you already knew that, didn't you?)

They love my Honeysuckles, Penstamon, and Agastache Mints but those all bloom too late in the season... What, pray tell, do they prey upon in your garden? 

If you know of good EARLY bloomers, Spring and Early Summer flowering perennials, that hummingbirds just love, please let me know!
* Yeah, yeah, it looks as if I have no room for more plants, but that's not the case! Around this joint, there's always room for another flower...


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