Saturday, December 26, 2009

Blessed Are the Beasts and the Sedum, Too.

Here's the prettiest thing not blooming in my garden.
Sedum Autum Joy is as lovely against a winter backdrop as she is in full flower. (IMHO)

Stopped over to visit my horse, Bella, today.
She was all riled up.
Stamping her feet. Calling loudly.
Running the length of her corral with a keen eye on the snowy meadow behind it.
First she'd whinny at me. Trot toward the back gate.
As if she wanted to show me something.
Bad Dog and I spotted him at precisely the same moment.
We turned and ran for the car as fast as our little legs could go.
Me, for the camera.
BD for safe haven. That's my doggie! Hiding in the car when he should be acting as my bodyguard. :)

This is the biggest coyote I've ever seen. As big as Bad Dog and that coward weighs in at 109. He was hunting for field mice. Listening to them scurry beneath the snow. Diving into the drifts to catch them.

Bell and I stood at the back fence watching him hunt and play for at least an hour. He just ignored us and went about his business goofing off in the freezing cold. Pretty special...
The reason I stopped over to see the horse in the first place was to bring her The Invitation. It's Christmas! People are giving us stuff! We're going to Arizona for a great big trail ride!

I was so excited I spilled coffee all over the invite.

But, here it is. I showed it to Bella. She tried to eat it.
I'm taking that as an RSVP yes!

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