Monday, July 20, 2009

Magic Potions for Clematis Climbing Vines

Clematis flowers more profusely with a dose of phosphorous and potassium.

By noon, temps had climbed to 100 degrees and, with that, the goals of the Friday Afternoon [Hiking] Club rapidly shifted gears. The cool dark of an air-conditioned theater beckoned. Why go hiking when the Harry Potter movie is in town?

For those of you who have not seen the movie, no worries... Harry seems to be holding up just fine.

Which, in and of itself, is a miracle if you ask me.

Nurseries say 'part sun/shade' but every Clematis I've ever met has admitted she prefers more sun.

After all, he's just a dorky high school kid. Yet, every September, when he heads back to school, he encounters another wannabe dark lord.

That pressure would have had me scurrying to the school counselor lickety split. Harry just takes it all in stride ~ though, sooner or later, all that extra curricular activity would have to start messing with his grade point average.

And, what about that poor kid's future? As a meddling Mom I just have to ask.... Will he ever find time to prep for his SATs?

Hot sun on her flowers and cool, damp roots. Place flat rocks over her root area or plant her next to shrubs that shade the ground. She'll quickly weave her way up through the shrub in search of more sun.

A 5-10-10 organic fertilizer should have your little Clematis jumping for joy. 5 = nitrogen, 10 = phosphorous and 10 = potassium:

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