Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bleeding Hearts

Bleeding Hearts grow as happily in Alaska as they do in San Diego.

So, I'm strolling around the blogosphere this morning and it seemed like half the people I visited were in unhappy moods. Some blamed the economy. Some the weather. Others didn't have a clue why they were so grumpy. In this last group I've found my kindred spirits.

Hard as I try, I cannot conjure a good excuse for feeling so down in the dumps.

Other than the sorry realization that TIME & BOREDOM are two of the most destructive forces I've ever encountered.

My biggest meltdowns always come when I have too much time on my hands.

I could take a road trip.
Clip on the skis and hit the slopes.
Give into Bad Dog's pressure and go play in the snow!

Instead, I've been wandering aimlessly around the house over-thinking every aspect of my life. Beating myself up over bad decisions. And, that's more than a little ridiculous. Because once you reach the ripe old age of 40-something you're pretty much guaranteed to have made decisions that (in hindsight) weren't very smart.

Now I know this will sound unbelievably shallow but hey, it's probably good to be at one with my own true self. So I confess: Reading the myriad of complaints from other people made me feel a little bit better.

So, my thought for the day is that maybe there is something to that 'safety in numbers' idea. And, as Omegamom so eloquently wrote: Some days it's just comforting to know I'm not alone.

If you've been wearing your heart on your sleeve, treat yourself to this beauty. (I know I plan to!) Dicentra Spectabilis, Bleeding Hearts, USDA zones 3-9, are shade lovers that put forth cascades of heart-shaped flowers in early summer. They're exceptionally easy perennials to grow and if you ask them nicely they'll even flower indoors.

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